ADHD & Us: A Couple's Guide to Loving and Living With Adult ADHD Free Audiobook Download by Anita Robertson, LCSW

With the diagnosis of ADHD, comes a number of challenges that can be overwhelming. As parents, partners, educators, or co-workers with someone who has ADHD, it's crucial to understand the challenges and be aware of potential problems on the given day. In this guide, Anita Robertson offers advice for navigating these challenges.

In this audiobook, you will get to hear from both a male and female perspective about ADHD, the symptoms, its causes, and how it affects individuals and relationships. You will also hear about treatment options for adult ADD/ADHD as well as ADHD in children.

Anita Robertson, LCSW has done a fantastic job of creating a book that is both informative and easy to read. The guide provides tons of helpful information, as well as tips and tricks that are often difficult for those who have ADHD. This audiobook download provides the reader with an excellent chance to learn more about what ADHD is and how it can affect relationships in every area of life.

Chapter 1: ADHD & Us Chapter 2: Finding the right therapist Chapter 3: Impulse control versus self-control Chapter 4: The reality of ADHD relationships, marriage, and intimacy Chapter 5: Friends and family

ADHD is not a disease. It's a condition that affects the brain. It's characterized by inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Adult ADHD is chronic, begins later in life and often co-occurs with other conditions like depression or anxiety.

Readers will explore the different symptoms of their loved one's ADHD and how their family might impact their life, as well as some helpful strategies for helping them lead a more successful life.

Published Date 2021-09-28
Duration 4 hours 12 minutes
Author Anita Robertson, LCSW
Narrated Joana Garcia
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Marriage & Family, Disorders & Diseases, Psychology

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