A Return to Love Free Audiobook Download by Marianne Williamson

A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson is an audiobook that recounts the life and teachings of Marianne Williamson. The audiobook starts with a narrative of how she helps a woman who is suffering from depression and how they eventually become friends. It then goes on to detail how she was one of the first people to recognize the power of voice work and how her career took off from there.

It is important to note that this audiobook is not necessary for a reader to understand the main points of the book. In fact, it may be best suited for people who have already read the book or have a general knowledge of Williamson's philosophy. Although some readers might find themselves struggling with listening they will find that they can still learn from this work just by reading it, studying it, and thinking about it.

Marianne Williamson discusses love and the rediscovery of self. This audiobook was originally published in 1998, but has been reprinted with updated chapters written by Williamson herself. She addresses topics such as self-love, love for our families, love for strangers, and love for the whole world.

Marianne Williamson's book, a classic on the human condition, is now available as an audiobook download that includes a bonus interview by Oprah. The audiobook is narrated by [Marianne Williamson] and can be found at www.audible.com or here: https://www.audibletrial.com/34438

A Return to Love tells the story of how Marianne Williamson shifted her life from a broken, despairing state and began the process of self-healing. Now living in San Francisco, she is a personal counselor who helps people reconnect with their core values.

A Return to Love is written by Marianne Williamson and is narrated by her. The audiobook deals with how love is the most powerful force in the universe and that it can change the world for the better.

Published Date 2005-03-15
Duration 2 hours 41 minutes
Author Marianne Williamson
Narrated Marianne Williamson
(99 Reviews)
Abridged Yes
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Health & Wellness
Parent Category Mindfulness & Meditation, Christianity

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