Where I Come From: Stories from the Deep South Free Audiobook Download by Rick Bragg

The narrator's voice has changed, but the sound of the South and its stories remain. The way Bragg tells his stories, he sounds like a storyteller telling tales around a fire in front of listeners who are eager to hear more.

These stories are full of love, hope, and hard-won wisdom. In this collection, Rick Bragg immerses himself in the lives of his own family and their struggles to survive poor conditions, abuse and alcoholism.

[Rick Bragg] is a famous American author, who wrote the book "A River Runs Through It," published in 1976. He was born in rural eastern Arkansas and raised in the hills of north Mississippi. Written about his own life, "Where I Come From" is a collection of autobiographical stories from his childhood and teenage years. The stories are about being poor and black in the Southern United States during the Great Depression, as well as more recent experiences growing up during the Civil Rights Movement.

The title “Where I Come From: Stories from the Deep South” leads people to believe that the book will be solely about Southern Americana. However, this is not true as the author uses a wide variety of stories and experiences to show how he grew up in a poor family and falls in love with literature in general.

In the memoir "Where I Come From: Stories from the Deep South," Rick Bragg tells the stories of his life in Alabama, from childhood to adulthood. The author begins by explaining how living in rural Alabama is like living in a foreign country, where people are not always kind to one another and there is no such thing as a "normal life." He goes on to talk about how this environment influenced his writing style, as he made learning his only way out of poverty.

Where I Come From, Rick Bragg bears witness to the personal stories of others and tells them in his personal voice. The Deep South that is his home is revealed through the following: "the old man's white hair, his slow, soft voice, and the way he looked at me with eyes that seemed to have seen it all before," as he looks out on a scene where Rick himself has yet to live.

Published Date 2020-10-27
Duration 7 hours 23 minutes
Author Rick Bragg
Narrated Rick Bragg
(25 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Comedy
Parent Category Essays & Memoirs, Essays & Anthologies

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