When the Reckoning Comes: A Novel Free Audiobook Download by Latanya Mcqueen

When the Reckoning Comes by Latanya Mcqueen is a gripping novel of suspenseful twists. The story centers on Dr. Nora Delaney, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist who has seen many patients with schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, as well as her relationship with her own therapist, Dr. Morgan Banks. When Nora begins having strange visions of an apocalyptic future that may be approaching, she must work through her fear in order to prevent a catastrophe for which there may not be any escape from.

"When the Reckoning Comes is a riveting novel of suspense, and it's one you won't be able to put down."

With the passage of time and the absence of any more bad guys to get rid of, Caitlin finds herself revisiting old cases and wondering if she's a murderer. Caitlin has no choice but to seek out the truth and reconcile this doubt in her mind.

"When the Reckoning Comes" by Latanya Mcqueen is a story about three people. This novel takes place in New York City and starts with a robbery that ends up with one of the three main characters being killed. The story follows that one person's struggle to find herself again after this unfortunate event.

When the Reckoning Comes, by Latanya Mcqueen is a gripping thriller that will keep you guessing until the last page.

When the Reckoning Comes: A Novel is a dark tale of revenge and redemption. The story is narrated by Kara Young who has a troubled past that was riddled with abuse and trauma. As she laments her misfortunes, she meets Mr. Wallace, an old man who offers to take care of her. However, things don't go as planned for either of them when it turns out that Mr. Wallace's buddies are not what they appear to be. They have their own plans for Kara that will no doubt leave her scarred for life.

Published Date 2021-08-03
Duration 8 hours 44 minutes
Author Latanya Mcqueen
Narrated Kara Young
(2 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Black Literature, General, Paranormal

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