When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace Free Audiobook Download by Ruth Chou Simons

This audiobook is a truly spiritual and life-changing experience. It is the best introduction to Christian faith I have ever read.

In this audiobook, Chou Simons discusses a gospel that is not about self-improvement but a gospel of transforming grace. She looks at what happens when striving ceases, and how we are encouraged to hold onto hope in the assurance of God's Word.

When Strivings Cease: Replacing the Gospel of Self-Improvement with the Gospel of Life-Transforming Grace is about finding ways to live a life that actually fulfills God's desire for us. The audiobook features many interviews from Christian and non-Christian experts. The core value in this book is that we are all sinners, but when we accept our sin and see it as an opportunity to receive God's grace instead of striving to improve ourselves, then there is hope for everyone.

In When Strivings Cease, Ruth Chou Simons offers a radically new view of our long-standing American gospel of self-improvement. A gospel that she believes is not only outliving its usefulness but is increasingly dangerous. Instead, she puts forward a bold and challenging vision for the church today--a gospel that includes radical inclusion, healing instead of fixing, vulnerability instead of strength, and life-transforming grace rather than self-transformation.

This book is about replacing the gospel of self-improvement with the gospel of life-transforming grace. It notes that this means a change in our hearts, not just our practices. After many years of striving for success, we often come to realize that what we have been doing is not making us happy or fulfilled. This book encourages readers to rest and let God transform their hearts through grace rather than through striving and struggle.

Self-improvement is a central teaching of the Christian faith. Like any other teaching or philosophy, it has been used to motivate and inspire people for centuries. The apostle Paul writes about the dangers of self-improvement in his letter to Timothy. Self-improvement values can be destructive and divisive when they are not rooted in God's love and grace.

Published Date 2021-10-12
Duration 5 hours 46 minutes
Author Ruth Chou Simons
Narrated Ruth Simons
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Counseling & Inspirational, Christianity

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