What the Wind Knows Free Audiobook Download by Amy Harmon

What the Wind Knows is a story about a young woman named Bel, who is struggling with the harshness of life in the desert. As she and her makeshift family live off what they can scavenge from the landscape, they have to make impossible choices daily. The author takes a deep look at how this girl's innocence and curiosity put her in danger as her survival instincts are forced to grow up quickly. This is a great book for readers of all ages

The book is narrated by two women who are in a long-term relationship and live on an island off the coast of California. One is a veterinarian, Jan Lewinski, and the other is artist, Lily Danforth. They both have children and are raising them with nature as their guide. The book explores how nature has an effect on human beings, how animals play a pivotal role in our lives and how people can find ways to connect with one another that transcend time.

"Words are how wind tells us things. They fill up the air and they tell us stories without even having to touch us." In this beautifully-written and powerful story, Amy Harmon uses words to describe people, places, and ideas that are fascinating and true.

Amy Harmon's novel tells the story of a young woman struggling with her family life. The protagonist, Willow, takes off for the coast to escape and meets a wind wizard who transforms her into something not quite human. When the wizard disappears, Willow is forced to make some hard choices about what he can give her--and what she chooses will change everything.

"The Wind Knows" is a short story written by Amy Harmon. It tells the story of a boy and his mother who have to find a new home when their old one is destroyed in a storm. The story is from the perspective of the wind, which watches as the boy tries to understand it.

Published Date 2019-03-01
Duration 12 hours 26 minutes
Author Amy Harmon
Narrated Saskia Maarleveld, Will Damron
(40 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Literary Fiction

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