What is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics Free Audiobook Download by Adam Becker

What is Real?: The Unfinished Quest for the Meaning of Quantum Physics by Adam Becker audiobook download is a story of physics and philosophy, but mostly the quantum theory. The book tells the story of how quantum theory has been overlooked over time because it is too difficult to understand and people are afraid to study it.

In this book, Adam Becker attempts to show that quantum physics is not a scientific theory in the traditional sense. Instead, it's more like a chaotic idea that's constantly changing and evolving. Becker believes that there is only one true way to understand quantum physics, but he's not really sure of that either.

There is an ongoing debate in the philosophy of science that has been going on since the dawn of quantum theory. It is a question that has more recently come to be known as "the measurement problem." What many people are baffled by is how can a measurement ever be said to "really" happen?

First published in 2000, What is Real? is a historical account of quantum physics and the difficult search for its explanation. Becker's book explores what he believes to be the deeper meaning of quantum physics. Becker argues that modern science can only understand a small fragment of reality, that consciousness is the key to understanding what lies beyond scientific knowledge. The author also maintains that it is impossible for science to fully explain the nature of an observer's conscious experience because this requires a self-creating entity from the observer's perspective.

Real is a concept that has always been hotly debated. For centuries, philosophers have wrestled with the meaning of what it means to be real. Now, by unraveling the paradoxes of quantum physics, Adam Becker has given us one more frontier in this conversation. Becker explains how there are no definite answers and how our reality is both simultaneously conscious and ever changing.

Is the quantum physics theory been used in every day life? Does it affect our existence? This book explores this and more. It discusses the uncertainties of quantum physics, trying to help you understand it better for yourself. Becker allows you to share his journey into the unknown with him.

Published Date 2018-03-20
Duration 11 hours 46 minutes
Author Adam Becker
Narrated Greg Tremblay
(19 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Astronomy & Physics

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