Warlords Free Audiobook Download by Matt Braun

The narrator, George Guidall, is set apart by his ability to make each person sound human. His voice is gritty, harsh, but comforting and soothing at the same time. He speaks in a way that makes it easy for the listener to imagine him as an old man sitting by a fire telling stories about his ancestors. The narration is also enriched by Guidall's acting abilities.

Warlords by Matt Braun is an audiobook that was released in 2011. It is narrated by George Guidall and has a runtime of 9 hours, 19 minutes. Warlords is a fast paced book with constant action and thrills.

Warlords by Matt Braun is a novel about the supernatural, but for this audiobook download, I listened to it because there wasn't an audio version of it. It's narrated by George Guidall. He does a fantastic job telling the story of "Lenny" and his wife who move into a new small town in Tennessee. Of course they're not prepared for what they find in this town and end up involved with a cult, which Lenny is devoted to help get out because he knows that if he doesn't, then others will be kidnapped or worse.

Warlords is a novel by American author James S. A. Corey from the Expanse series that takes place in a future where humanity has colonized the solar system and Earth is slowly dying. On one side, we have the corporate-controlled mega-corporation called Protogen and on the other, we have free-thinking revolutionaries called Belters who are fighting what they believe to be an oppressive rule over their lives.

Warlords by Matt Braun audiobook download Warlords is a novel that tells the story of an unlikely friendship between an elderly nun and a young American warlord.

Warlords is a short, fictional story about the most powerful and dangerous man in America. Because it's only 15 minutes long, you can easily make time for this audiobook!

Published Date 2022-02-15
Duration 7 hours 35 minutes
Author Matt Braun
Narrated George Guidall
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Western

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