Vaccinated: From Cowpox to mRNA, the Remarkable Story of Vaccines Free Audiobook Download by Paul A. Offit

I had been looking for a new audiobook. I saw that this book was narrated by Tim Dixon (who also narrates other books I've enjoyed) and I thought it would be perfect for my commute. The narrator does a wonderful job with the book, making it easy to listen to and actually preventing me from falling asleep at times when it bogs down a bit in the middle.

In the 1800s, people's lives were changing fast. Scientists were discovering the world's smallest living creatures with an amazing and unique shape: cells. People were not only fascinated with these microscopic marvels, they also realized that they could use them to solve some of the biggest problems of their time. One man in particular, Edward Jenner, was really intrigued by this idea. He injected milkmaids with smallpox and observed how much their sores healed. The results led him to believe that smallpox might be prevented by exposing people to cowpox. Jenner then began introducing cowpox into the body of those he treated and his discovery ultimately lead to vaccines as we know them today!

In this audiobook, the author tells the story of how vaccines became a reality and how they continue to save lives around the world. The book also explores what happens when someone is vaccinated with a live virus and what occurs when someone is told "no" about a vaccine for their personal decision.

When it comes to vaccines, the history is full of remarkable discoveries. Since the first vaccine came into being in 1796, there has been a steady accumulation of knowledge that has led to further advancements in science and society. In this book, Paul A. Offit takes readers on a journey through human history, from cowpox to mRNA, in order to show how vaccinations have literally saved countless lives throughout the world. This audiobook download will help readers appreciate the fascinating story of vaccines and take greater pride in their own vaccination status.

Vaccinated: From Cowpox to mRNA, the Remarkable Story of Vaccines is a fascinating book about vaccines. It touches on how the history of vaccination goes back thousands of years and includes many examples from various cultures. This audiobook is an informative and captivating listen that you will want to pass onto your friends and family members.

Paul A. Offit's book "Vaccinated" tells the incredible story of vaccines, from their discovery in the 1800s to their use in public health today and beyond. This audiobook also includes a companion website where listeners can access additional content, including an infographic timeline with key quotes on vaccine history, a list of resources and recommended readings, and more.

Published Date 2022-02-01
Duration 8 hours 29 minutes
Author Paul A. Offit
Narrated Tim Dixon
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Biology & Chemistry, Medicine

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