To Chart the Clouds Free Audiobook Download by Evan Dicken

To Chart the Clouds is a story of just how far a small man will go to find true love. The main character, Lee, is of Asian descent and has lived his entire life in poverty. When he meets Daisy, he thinks he's found the one for him and though she has her own problems, they agree on everlasting love. But as fate would have it, their personalities clash much more than their backgrounds did.

To Chart the Clouds is a novel set in post-apocalyptic Ireland. It tells the story of four characters on a journey that's both spiritual and physical, while they struggle with their own beliefs, values, and duties.

This intriguing book is a classic for artists and designers. It was first published in 1950 and has been translated into more than 20 languages. The author, Evan Dicken, is a British artist who developed the idea of line drawings as clouds.

This is a historical romance novel about the lives of two young people, Alice and Rowland, who are best friends until their paths diverge as they prepare for marriage. The story begins with a small adventure that Alice and Rowland have one summer in the English countryside when she tries to find a way to chart the clouds at night but ends up being caught by the farmer's son.

Evan Dicken writes in her book that 'The shortness of life on earth is always the same'. We will all die one day, but you cannot let this change your destiny. You must rise up and live life to the fullest every day. Being alive means that you should be doing what makes you happy with people who make you happy.

"To Chart the Clouds" is a romantic and poignant coming-of-age novel by Evan Dicken. The story follows ten year old Rory, who lives in New England with his mother and stepfather. When he overhears his stepfather talking about how he used to be a famous painter, he becomes obsessed with taking up the same hobby himself. Using astrology as a means of guidance, he begins painting clouds which eventually become paintings that sell for thousands of dollars. Eventually, Rory's mom starts to buy some of his work herself, leading him to explore new mediums and struggling with his identity as an artist. This book is perfect for readers who enjoy stories about artists and their artistry struggles."

Published Date 2022-01-18
Duration 11 hours 31 minutes
Author Evan Dicken
Narrated Jennifer Aquino
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category General, Fantasy

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