The Yellow Wife: A Novel Free Audiobook Download by Sadeqa Johnson

The Yellow Wife is a story of love and racism in the American South. It takes place in 1946, when America is still struggling to come to terms with the social issues of WWII and its aftermath. The protagonist, April, is an African American woman who has spent her whole life in Mississippi but has recently moved North to Chicago. She encounters some harsh realities about her family's history and her own future.

"A jolting, gripping, beautifully written debut novel about a young artist who creates an alter ego to help her cope with some of the difficulties she faces as a woman of color living in America."

The Yellow Wife is a novel that takes the reader on the journey of two Black women: one who migrates to America during the Depression and starts her own successful business, and the other whose husband is killed in Chicago. When they meet, they both feel an unexpected connection. When their kids grow up, they divorce each other only to find out later that they had been staying together all along.

A woman is married to a man who's so much older than her, he looks as though he's been waiting for the day she gets old enough to be his true love.

A riveting novel of race, class, identity and the American dream that 'The New York Times' called 'fascinating.' The Yellow Wife tells the story of a young African-American woman living in 1962 New Orleans who falls in love with an older European immigrant.

The Yellow Wife is a modern story of an African-American woman's search for her own identity while being forced to navigate the intricacies of life in New York City. It is also a love story that has many layers, a coming-of-age story that resonates with both teenagers and adults, and a cautionary tale about the danger of getting caught up in the stereotypes and limitations that society places on you.

Published Date 2021-01-12
Duration 9 hours 31 minutes
Author Sadeqa Johnson
Narrated Robin Miles
(17 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Coming of Age, Black Literature, Historical Fiction

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