The Ragamuffin Gospel Free Audiobook Download by Brennan Manning

Brennan Manning is a Ragamuffin Christian whose best-selling books have impacted millions of readers worldwide. In his new book, he provides hope and understanding to the hurting, with advice on how to embrace the way of Jesus Christ in a world that often seems lost. This audiobook download is brought you by Audible and available in English or Spanish.

Brennan Manning's first book, The Ragamuffin Gospel is an easy to read and follow Christian life-advice book. The Ragamuffin Gospel includes the author's life story, but the main focus of this audiobook is on how to live a good Christian life. This audiobook is perfect for someone who doesn't want to read a long novel or want an audiobook that lasts a long time.

The Ragamuffin Gospel is a book written by Brennan Manning. This book has helped strengthen my relationship with God and has been an important part of my journey to spiritual awakening. The book is composed of short chapters that are easy to read and understand, but it can still be challenging for the early believer. I find myself referring to the Ragamuffin Gospel frequently as I grow in my relationship with God.

This is a book about the Ragamuffin Gospel. We are all ragamuffins, which means that we are dressed in rags and no one cares about us. We are broken people who need fixing, healing, and restoration. There are two steps to fix us: first, our hearts must be broken and we must be willing to humble ourselves in order to become ragamuffins again; second, we must allow God's love into our lives through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

The Ragamuffin Gospel is a book about God in action, not about the things that we do for God. Manning writes about how to be a Christian, what it means to be a Christian, and who God is. This audiobook is an easy read and very powerful--an excellent choice for anyone who wants to know more about what Christian living is all about.

Published Date 2005-06-01
Duration 6 hours 42 minutes
Author Brennan Manning
Narrated Scott Brick
(79 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Christianity

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