The New Psychology of Winning: Top Qualities of a 21st Century Winner Free Audiobook Download by Denis Waitley

The New Psychology of Winning is a powerful audiobook by Denis Waitley that will teach you how to win at life. The author, Denis Waitley, is a Coach of the Year and has helped countless people reach their potential. In this audiobook, he discusses the top qualities of a 21st century winner and gives you four distinct steps that can help you succeed in both your personal and professional lives.

The New Psychology of Winning: Top Qualities of a 21st Century Winner is a book that argues how traditional psychology has been wrong in its understanding of the winner. According to Denis Waitley, there are new qualities that are necessary for winning in our modern times. He says the following key qualities are important to win in today's society: humility, teamwork, and patience.

The New Psychology of Winning is a book written by Denis Waitley and it is a guide on how to win at life. It was released in 1990, but the principles are still relevant to the world today. The author talks about the qualities that one needs to be successful when striving for success and fulfillment. He lists six of these qualities which include persistence, confidence, self-control, social intelligence, adaptability, and risk-taking.

The New Psychology of Winning: Top Qualities of a 21st Century Winner is a concise, easy-to-read book that provides an overview of the development and advancement in the field of psychology in order to understand what it takes to be victorious. The author notes that one's success is not determined by intelligence, ability, or even charisma; rather, it's all about what a person focuses on and manages their time wisely.

In the book, The New Psychology of Winning: Top Qualities of a 21st Century Winner, Denis Waitley talks about some unique qualities that winners have. These are qualities that you may or may not have noticed in yourself. They are all things that will help you achieve your goals and live a successful life.

Published Date 2021-05-25
Duration 9 hours 17 minutes
Author Denis Waitley
Narrated Denis Waitley, Dan Strutzel
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Career Development

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