The Black Moth: A Romance of the 18th Century Free Audiobook Download by Georgette Heyer

"A tragic story of romantic love" is how Georgette Heyer's 18th century novel, The Black Moth, is described. It tells the story of the heroine, Angelique de Morville, and her life before she met and married her childhood sweetheart, Lucien de Morville. De Morville spent his youth in France at Versailles with a life of leisure and luxury which he enjoyed until a twist of fate brought him to England where he became an impoverished gambler. While in London, De Morville falls in love with Angelique who has never been touched by a man's hand. As they explore their feelings for each other during their time together, they are torn apart by the bloody English revolution. The

The Black Moth, by Georgette Heyer is a romance of the 18th century. It tells the story of a woman trying to find herself and her place in society without abandoning her family or her love for adventure.

The Black Moth: A Romance of the 18th Century is a story about the life of Sarah, a black American woman who is forced to find solace on the English countryside. She transforms from a beaten and broken slave into an educated and elegant woman with the help of her faithful servant, Hannah. The book follows their adventures with their friends as they escape from English society in London.

In this historical romance, the hero and heroine meet in a decaying English country house. Gossamer-thin curtains shroud the windows, dusty portraits stare out from the walls, and cobwebs cling to every corner of the room. The sun has been blotted out by an ominous black cloud. In this setting, love blooms between a handsome cavalry officer and an independent-minded heiress who will not be beaten by fate.

The Black Moth: A Romance of the 18th Century is a satirical novel about the 18th century, written by Georgette Heyer in 1952. The Gothic 'romance' centers on the protagonist, Miss Honoria Glossop, who is searching for a love that might not exist because she's so poor and her prospects, due to her background, are grim. This book is full of wit and humor as well as simple pleasures like reading a long book in bed or going out with friends on Sunday afternoon; they're all luxuries many people couldn't afford during this era.

The Black Moth: A Romance of the 18th Century is a story of two young people who are separated by class and society. Eugenie meets and falls for Viscount Alvanley, a young man from the gentry, in an effort to escape the severe poverty she was born into. Alvanley has nothing but disdain for her, treating her like a servant at their first encounter. Eugenie's maid Cicely serves as her confidant, providing much-needed moral support and even helping to push Eugenie towards vengeance against Alvanley.

Published Date 2022-01-11
Duration 10 hours 7 minutes
Author Georgette Heyer
Narrated Rupert Degas
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Classics, Historical Romance, General

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