The Art of Strategic Leadership: How Leaders at All Levels Prepare Themselves, Their Teams, and Organizations for the Future Free Audiobook Download by Stephanie S. Mead,Steven J. Stowell

The Art of Strategic Leadership: How Leaders at All Levels Prepare Themselves, Their Teams, and Organizations for the Future is a comprehensive book that includes theories on leadership styles and the power of emotions. It also includes case studies of leaders who have managed to successfully prepare themselves and their teams for the future. The book also provides tools which readers can use to develop their own personal strategic mastery within their organizations.

The Art of Strategic Leadership is an audiobook that delivers a systematic approach to leadership, with an especially strong emphasis on the importance of preparing for the future. The book has a strategic focus and takes a broad view of leadership. It does not offer specific formulas or take sides on what was effective in the past. Rather, it provides tools to help leaders at all levels prepare themselves and their teams for the future by assessing their current condition, considering the future they want to build, and pursuing strategies that will help them achieve their goals.

Leadership can only happen when a leader is prepared for the future. It's not about being a good person, it's about having the skills to lead others on their journey forward. This simple but powerful idea is at the core of "The Art of Strategic Leadership" by Stephanie S. Mead and Steven Stowell, which focuses on leaders at all levels who prepare themselves, their teams, and organizations for the future. The audiobook download includes an interview with Anne Flosnik, who masterfully narrates this book in her clear and compelling way.

The Art of Strategic Leadership: How Leaders at All Levels Prepare Themselves, Their Teams, and Organizations for the Future is a must read for business professionals who wish to remain competitive in the changing world of global business. There are many leaders or future leaders who are looking for ways to prepare themselves and their teams in order to remain relevant and profitable. This book provides methods that can be adapted to fit all organizations as well as offer insight into understanding how all levels of leadership can prepare themselves, which ultimately leads to more effective leadership at work.

This book is about how leaders at all levels prepare themselves, their teams, and organizations for the future. It is about preparing for the future and understanding what the future will look like. The author shares her personal story of being a businesswoman and the struggles she’s gone through to reach where she is today. She has since found success with her work, which is that of an international strategic leadership coach.

In an era where we are constantly changing and adapting to meet new challenges, some leaders seem to find it difficult to keep up. In The Art of Strategic Leadership, authors Stephanie S. Mead Steven J. Stowell provide a guide for strategic leadership that is not only based on the latest research but also grounded in concrete examples of how it can be applied practically. The book explores areas such as gender, generational difference, culture, and talent management within organizations and how these differences affect strategy.

Published Date 2017-07-01
Duration 5 hours 22 minutes
Author Stephanie S. Mead, Steven J. Stowell
Narrated Anne Flosnik
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Management & Leadership

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