The Age of Sustainable Development Free Audiobook Download by Jeffrey D. Sachs

The Age of Sustainable Development is a book by Jeffrey Sachs that discusses the current global environmental and development issues. The title comes from the age in which humans have come to understand how our daily activities can impact the Earth, and how it can be sustained for generations to come. At the end of this audiobook, 'Bob Souer' goes over different aspects of this book, such as the difference between sustainable development and economic development.

The Age of Sustainable Development is a book written by Jeffrey D. Sachs that explores the concept of sustainable development, or how humanity will turn away from its current path towards economic growth and instead begin to focus on economic stability and resource conservation. The book's central premise is that most people already believe in this change, so it's time for politicians to start taking action.

"The Age of Sustainable Development" by Jeffrey Sachs is narrated by Bob Souer and can be found in audio format with a free download on the book's website. "The Age of Sustainable Development" by Jeffrey D. Sachs is a non-fiction audiobook about the current state of global development, focusing primarily on the United States, Europe and China. Topics discussed include sustainability, poverty, urbanization, migration and education.

"If you're looking for a book that will change your life, this is it." - Jeffrey D. Sachs The Age of Sustainable Development is an international best-selling text by American economist and managing director at The Earth Institute at Columbia University. It was published in 2008 and has since been translated into 10 languages. This book was the recipient of a 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award, among other awards and honors.

Discover the wonders and horrors of sustainable development from Jeffrey D. Sachs, who is considered the "go-to" expert on development economics. Sachs' work has been universally praised for combining technical rigor with deep insight into how globalization has impacted on one of the most pressing questions of our time: how to create a better world for all. This audiobook download contains a bonus section at the end which includes free study guides and transcripts on some of the key themes in this book.

"The Age of Sustainable Development" is the autobiography of Jeffrey D. Sachs, one of the world's leading experts on sustainable development. The book details how he has helped shape global policy and thinking, including in areas such as trade and debt relief, climate change, and international development. Sachs previously served as chief economist at the World Bank and teaches economics at Columbia University.

Published Date 2016-09-13
Duration 14 hours 57 minutes
Author Jeffrey D. Sachs
Narrated Bob Souer
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Animals & Nature, Public Policy, Business Development, Economics

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