Tan cierto como el amanecer (As Sure as the Dawn) Free Audiobook Download by Francine Rivers

The story centers on Maggie, a teenage girl who is struggling with her inner demons. She has some help from her best friend, Grace, and the three of them are brought together by the death of their fathers in a car accident. As they grow closer through grief and friendship, they are faced with choices that test the limits of their faith.

This story is about Tabitha, a young woman who faces challenges when she is diagnosed with breast cancer. It is also a love story as she tries to overcome her fears and fall in love again while struggling with the disease. The narrator, Walter Krochmal, is effective at narrating different voices.

El cuento "Tan cierto como el amanecer" ('As Sure as the Dawn') es una historia que narra la nacionalidad de las dos hermanas gemelas, Adah y Lia, quienes son misionero durante la Guerra Civil Americana.

Francine Rivers, author of the popular novel "The Bridges of Madison County," introduces readers to the world of the Amish through a fictional story. The narrator is a young Amish man named Caleb. Caleb and his family live on a farm outside of town in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Caleb's family has been struggling economically because their crops have not been successful this season, so they are forced to sell many of their horses and heirloom sheep.

Ella no pudo hacer nada para controlar su impulso de recordar. Nunca podría haber anticipado que aquellas palabras provocarían la devastadora explosión de recuerdos. Ahora tenía que lidiar con el dolor, con las lágrimas, y todas las emociones que había reprimido durante años.

Published Date 2021-04-27
Duration 22 hours 31 minutes
Author Francine Rivers
Narrated Walter Krochmal
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Religious & Inspirational, Religious Fiction

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