Steppenwolf Free Audiobook Download by Herman Hesse

The classic novel tells the story of an unnamed 'Steppenwolf' who goes on a self-destructive journey in search of happiness. From appearing rough and dirty to a clean, well-dressed man, he encounters many people along the way who help him along his journey.

Herman Hesse's "Steppenwolf" tells a story of spiritual transcendence that parallels the quest for wholeness in one man's life. Hesse uses the protagonist, a hermit-like character who calls himself Steppenwolf, to explore the struggle of men and women caught in an externally imposed dualism that prevents them from attaining true spirituality. The protagonist's initial journey towards self-discovery leads him through many strange and mystical experiences that ultimately led him to what he considers spiritual awakening.

Steppenwolf is a novella that originated as a story written by Herman Hesse. It is often though of as one of the classics, and has been translated into English more than fifty times. The main character of the story, who goes by the name "Steppenwolf" travels to countries, cities and towns across Europe that are visited in a single night.

Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse is a book set in the 1920s about a man who withdraws from society and falls into chaos. At the same time, he befriends an older man who introduces him to poetry and peace. The narrator of this audiobook is Peter Weller, and he has a soothing voice that makes it easy to listen to at night when you're trying to relax.

Steppenwolf is the story of an individual who goes by many names, but one thing remains true for him: he never stops to question why. The narrator of this novel is a boy named Harry Haller, and it is his journey to finding out the truth about himself. Throughout the novel Harry's character changes significantly, especially when he meets an old hermit in the forest who enlightens him on life and love.

The Steppenwolf is a novel about a man named "Harry Haller" who has no idea what he is. The author wrote this story in the form of an autobiography where Harry, at different points in his life, takes on different identities and lives the lives of other people.

Published Date 2008-04-01
Duration 7 hours 40 minutes
Author Herman Hesse
Narrated Peter Weller
(9 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Classics, Literary Fiction

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