Spinning the Moon Free Audiobook Download by Karen White

When I was in middle school, I read a book called "Spinning the Moon" by Karen White. It was about two girls who found an ancient spinning wheel in a junk yard and began to spin wool on it. They start weaving beautiful tapestries that tell stories of the past. A couple years ago, I heard about this audiobook and downloaded it for free!

This audiobook is about a woman who falls in love with ballet. She loves it so much that she spends her whole life dedicated to it, from the time she was a child, to when she's an old lady. She has many ups and downs as she goes through life, but nothing can take away her love for dancing. The narrator does an incredible job of making you feel the emotions and feelings of this woman in the story.

This is a dark thriller and science fiction novel that takes place on an Earth where the moon is spinning faster than the rest of the planet, giving it more gravitational pull. Gravity is already high enough to cause damage to anyone who touches the moon's surface. The story follows Ben, an astronaut, who gets stuck in orbit on a space station. After he loses contact with his mission control, he decides to descend through the atmosphere while they try to find him. He finds out that there are people down below who have taken drastic actions because of all the gravity and lack of oxygen. They have also found a way for him to come down without being aimed at by missiles or any other weapons.

This audiobook tells the story of a girl, Amy, who becomes obsessed with collecting moon rocks on her family's ranch in Death Valley. As she starts to collect more and more rocks, she begins to sense that the rocks have deep powers that can influence things like weather. There is also a storm brewing behind all of what is happening. The storm makes it hard for Amy to leave her home, but when she does finally make it out, it seems like nothing has changed at all.

The narrator of Spinning the Moon is Susan Bennett who has a typical British accent. The novel takes place in an alternate history timeline where the United States of America never existed and replaced with the United Kingdom. It's narrated by a woman whose name is always left unnamed at the beginning of the novel and later revealed to be 'Pilar Witherspoon'.

In Karen White's debut audiobook, Spinning the Moon, Karen describes a love story focusing on how two people fight for what they want and hold on to it. She takes us from the outside in with Kate at a party telling her friends about her boyfriend's first spin on the moon. We follow her as she meets him in her dreams and begins to fall in love with someone that is just as daring and brave. Soon they are engaged and life is good until Kate realizes she doesn't know who he really is or what he does for a living. As their wedding day gets closer, Kate starts to ask more questions such as who will be at the wedding? Who owns his family home? Why hasn't anyone been able to find his parents? The more she learns, the more anxious she becomes. She can't help but think that this isn't real and that something bad could happen in the days leading up to their wedding...

Published Date 2016-09-06
Duration 26 hours 24 minutes
Author Karen White
Narrated Susan Bennett, Pilar Witherspoon
(17 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Historical Fiction

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