Skink--No Surrender Free Audiobook Download by Carl Hiaasen

The Skink, a vigilante frog in the Florida Keys, is hilarious. He protects the island against drug runners and vicious poachers, such as a crab hunter who shoots all the coral with a slingshot. The humans in this book are more comical than anything else, but I love how Hiaasen makes fun of the government's "war on drugs."

Skink, a somewhat naif Florida Everglades-based swamp bug, is an unlikely hero. Little does he know that his fight for clean water and the stop of the construction of a giant marina in his swampland will pit him against some of the most powerful people in Florida. The plot is full of twists, surprises and satire at its best--the Gulf Coast has never been so scary.

“He is the greatest con man alive,” says a man in an airplane. “I am asking my wife to marry me tomorrow,” he adds, his voice breaking. I have yet to meet someone who can resist Skink's wiles and persuasions, even before they realize what's happening. A true master of persuasion.

A careless, incompetent law-enforcement official and a vain, vindictive millionaire with a vast fortune on the Florida Keys is the unlikely but ideal cast of characters to start off a series of escalating disasters that keep getting more and more bizarre--until they become downright surreal.

Toby Peters, the protagonist in this novel, is a government agent who must work undercover to prevent a marine biologist from committing eco-terrorism. However, when the scientist's daughter falls victim to an eco-terrorist attack, Toby steps up and tries to save her life. He eventually teams up with a group of eco terrorists who are trying to save the world.

Published Date 2014-09-23
Duration 7 hours 50 minutes
Author Carl Hiaasen
Narrated Kirby Heyborne
(18 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Teen
Parent Category Animals & Nature, Mystery & Thriller

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