Secrets of Sand Hill Road: Venture Capital and How to Get It Free Audiobook Download by Scott Kupor

Scott Kupor and Sean Runnette narrate this audiobook about Venture Capital, and it's full of actionable advice. I loved the story about how Scott Kupor got his first start as a tech reporter at Forbes, and then he went on to create the start-up "CNET". This is one of those books that I'm going to listen to again because it was so entertaining, yet educational.

Secrets of Sand Hill Road is the story of how Sean Runnette, an aspiring entrepreneur, turns his idea into a company and then goes on to raise venture capital. He has created two companies that have reached multimillion-dollar valuations in the last three years with their respective sales reaching $1 million per month.

The audiobook for "Secrets of Sand Hill Road" is narrated by Sean Runnette. In the audiobook, Kupor reveals his formula for success in venture capital.

"Secrets of Sand Hill Road" is a book with a mission. Its mission is to give up-and get-to-know more about the unique world of venture capital. The author, Scott Kupor, who was himself a venture capitalist for many years, provides you with an understanding and knowledge of how it all works. With this audiobook download, you will learn the background behind the history of Silicon Valley and why businesses exist there in the first place. You will also learn some tidbits about how certain industries came to be what they are today as well as why some businesses failed in those industries and others succeeded.

Secrets of Sand Hill Road is a book about venture capital and how to get it by Scott Kupor. It offers tips, tricks, and strategies on how to get the best deal when investing your money in tech start-ups. Sean Runnette is the narrator of this audiobook download.

The audiobook begins with a story about how Kupor met investors and made his business enormous. The next section of the audiobook is about what venture capitalists are looking for in a company. Kupor shares his opinion on why entrepreneurs need to build products that can scale quickly and grow rapidly. He also shares advice on how to seek out your first investor, who they should be, and when you're ready to get more investors involved.

Published Date 2019-06-04
Duration 9 hours 49 minutes
Author Scott Kupor
Narrated Sean Runnette
(3 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Business Development, Accounting & Finance

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