Rules of Engagement: Preparing for Your Role in the Spiritual Battle Free Audiobook Download by Derek Prince

Derek Prince is an author and evangelist who has written about spiritual warfare, with a focus on the New Testament. He died in 1999, but his message continues to live on through his books and audiobook recordings. This particular audiobook was released back in 1999 and adapted from a book that Derek wrote called Rules of Engagement: Preparing for Your Role in the Spiritual Battle. The book is based on the biblical concept of spiritual warfare.

The story of the spiritual battle is not about who wins but about how each person reacts and participates in the battle. The rules of engagement are those that apply to one's participation in the battle. These rules are typically divided into three categories: preparation, actions, and being victorious. Preparation has to do with learning and understanding what is going on. Actions have to do with participating in the fight by becoming involved over a period of time as well as taking action when necessary. Finally, victory has to do with maintaining a positive attitude towards the spiritual war and using your talents for good during this time of conflict.

In this world, there is so much evil and darkness. It has infiltrated every aspect of life without most people even realizing it. The spiritual battle underway right now is hard to see because it is not occurring in the normal sense by fighting against flesh and blood as I have defined it in the past. We are battling the obstacles internally, on an everyday basis. It's a tough fight because there are so many weapons at our disposal in this battle but we completely ignore them and they remain neglected while our enemy remains unopposed.

A book by Dr. Derek Prince, this audiobook provides a great deal of helpful information about how to be prepared for the spiritual battle that is going on around us. It helps you identify your calling and what you can do to prepare for it.

There are certain rules that should be followed by those who have been called to serve the Lord in this spiritual battle. Derek Prince outlines 10 of these rules in his book, "Rules of Engagement", which he co-authored with his wife, Beverly. These rules include what to expect from the enemy, how to prepare and how to pray. Some of the rules are aimed at our homes and work environments.

Derek Prince 's Rules of Engagement discusses the strategies and beliefs you can adopt to be prepared for your role in the spiritual battle. It is a great tool for all Christians interested in preparing themselves spiritually.

Published Date 2016-01-04
Duration 7 hours 45 minutes
Author Derek Prince
Narrated Basil Sands
(7 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Counseling & Inspirational, Christianity

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