Robert's Rules QuickStart Guide: The Simplified Beginner's Guide to Robert's Rules of Order Audiobook Download by Clydebank Business

Written for the beginning parliamentarian, this book teaches you the basics of Robert's Rules of Order in a simple, straightforward way. You'll learn how to get things done by understanding the purpose and use of motions, orders, and resolutions.

Robet's Rules QuickStart Guide is a great resource for those that have never been exposed to Robert's Rules of Order before. It provides the basics of Robert's Rules in an easy-to-follow, organized manner. It covers subjects such as assembly basics, parliamentary procedure, and voting procedures. This book is also available as an audiobook download and can be found on Audible as well.

The listener finds out how to obey Robert's rules of order and understand the language of meetings. The Rules are discussed in great detail and most human errors are covered with this beginner's guide.

Robert's Rules of Order is an important reference book for any running organization. 'Clydebank Business' has published this comprehensive guide to Robert's Rules of Order. The book is also available as a narrated audiobook version which can be downloaded as an eBook or listened to through Spotify, Deezer, iTunes, Google Play Music, and more.

If you are just starting out in business and want to run a meeting more efficiently, then this audiobook is for you. It covers all of the basics of Robert's Rules of Order so that you can start an efficient meeting with minimum fuss. Topics include how to call for a vote, start and end a meeting, and how to control the discussion.

This is the simplified, beginner's guide to Robert's Rules of Order. It will teach you everything you need to know about how a meeting is conducted, how a motion is made and seconded, and how voting works. You will learn about all the different motions for conducting business, such as: main motions, incidental motions, privileged motions and subsidiary (sub) motions. This audiobook also provides helpful information on parliamentary procedure that will help you plan and run any meeting.

Published Date 2016-03-21
Duration 2 hours 11 minutes
Author Clydebank Business
Narrated Peter Bierma
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? No
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Management & Leadership, Negotiation & Communication

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