Not Quite a Husband Free Audiobook Download by Sherry Thomas

In this audiobook, the narrator, Anne Flosnik, really gets into her character as a wife so it's easy to see what she must've been thinking while married to Mark. I also loved how Sherry Thomas tells the story of a woman who wants to be in control but is constantly being told that she can't be in charge or even consider herself superior to men.

"Not Quite a Husband" is one of Sherry Thomas' earliest novels. It's a story of two women's friendship and how one woman makes the other question her own marriage. The novel is narrated by Anne Flosnik, who is married to a man with three kids and she has her work in an art gallery that has lots of people around at all times. One day, Anne realizes that she doesn't feel that spark anymore with her husband and starts to explore whether he's the person for her or not.

A family friend is coming over to watch the children and Sherry plans to tag along in order to help her. Her husband is working and she doesn't want to miss him. When they arrive at the house, though, his car isn't there.

Anne Flosnik narrated a new audiobook called "Not Quite a Husband." This was her first audiobook. She did an amazing job, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for a great romantic story this summer. The narrator is so good that she made the book sound like it was written in present tense.

Anne Flosnik is a singer and actress. She has written and sung for the music production company, Big Time Rush. She has also written songs for many other artists including "Foolish Games" by Adele, "I Want It That Way" by the Backstreet Boys, and "Dreams" by Mariah Carey. Anne won a Tony Award in 2009 for her work as an actress on Broadway in the musical "Hairspray." She narrates a story about what it's like to be married to a famous musician or artist. The narrator starts out thinking that she's going to marry her boyfriend of five years, Ben. But she then discovers that he doesn't have enough time to commit to anything anymore because he has become a huge celebrity. This makes her realize that her passion in life is not him anymore and decides to leave him and pursue her dreams of becoming an actress instead.

"Not Quite a Husband" is a comedic novel by Sherry Thomas that follows the story of Tessa and Peter, two thirty-somethings who are working on their careers in New York City. They meet at a party where they are both trying to find somebody to date, but not much success. After having a few drinks, Peter approaches Tessa and asks her to dance. This sets off an intense love-hate relationship between Tessa and Peter as she tries to avoid him while he tries to lure her in.

Published Date 2014-11-04
Duration 7 hours 11 minutes
Author Sherry Thomas
Narrated Anne Flosnik
(13 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category General, Historical Romance

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