Need You Dead Free Audiobook Download by Peter James

Few things are more exciting than reading a thriller, but books can be hard to get into. They're long, they're tiring, and it's easy to fall asleep. That's why we love audiobooks so much: they move seamlessly between chapters so that you can stay awake without struggling to keep your eyes open. There are a lot of different genres that are perfect for audiobook lovers. If you're looking for something suspenseful, tragic, or even humorous then you've come to the right place! The narrator of the book is Daniel Weyman and he does an excellent job of keeping up with each character and making sure that every nuance of the story is heard in his voice. Although this particular novel isn't as entertaining

In this crime thriller, PC Josh Lewis is in charge of the investigation into a brutal murder. Or rather he was until crooked cop Tony Vickers caught wind of this case and decided to frame Lewis for the crime. What follows next is a whirlwind tale of how Josh manages to escape from jail and find out who framed him before they get their hands on him again.

For fans of the gritty and dark, Need You Dead is a must read. With a new killer on the loose, Detective Chief Inspector James Kildare and his team are faced with a spiraling investigation as they race against time to find the killer before he strikes again.

Need You Dead is a gripping crime thriller in which one of the protagonists, Toby, must try and solve a series of murders in which victims are found dismembered and with their heads missing. The killers seem to be targeting individuals who have committed the sin of greed. What makes this novel stand out is its well-written plot and interesting characters.

Need You Dead is the seventh novel in Peter James's bestselling series about Detective Harry Needham, who is determined to finally solve a grisly series of murders that have plagued London for over a decade. James has created an intricate and realistic Victorian-era England: there are no superheroes here, just regular people trying to find their way through life amid the darkest corners of society.

Need You Dead is a well-written thriller with a twist of humor. The story is told in first person perspective. Peter James has done an excellent job of keeping the reader hooked on what's happening to the protagonist, Richard Moore, over the course of the book. The cast includes a solid mix of familiar and new characters that are woven together perfectly.

Published Date 2017-05-18
Duration 12 hours 23 minutes
Author Peter James
Narrated Daniel Weyman
(6 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Mystery, Thriller & Horror
Parent Category Police Stories

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