Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds Free Audiobook Download by Cynthia Gabriel

Born with an unusual ability to know what is going on inside a woman's body, Cynthia Gabriel has revolutionized natural hospital birth. In her May 2012 article "The Best of Both Worlds," she argues that natural hospital birth offers the comfort and convenience of a birthing center without compromising the experience.

The majority of births happen in the hospital today. The high rates of infection and exposure to other people's germs can be very unsettling. Cynthia Gabriel shares her story about how she delivered her child without the use of drugs or anesthesia in her book entitled 'Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds'. It was a perfect experience for everyone involved.

The "best of both worlds" is what Cynthia Gabriel's new book, Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds, promises. This audiobook reveals the secrets to a natural birth and why it will benefit your health in the long-term.

An audiobook that's perfect for those who want to hear the benefits of natural hospital birth, but are unsure about the process and the risks.

Natural Hospital Birth: The Best of Both Worlds is a beautifully written, and candidly honest, look into the mind and process of a natural birth. Cynthia Gabriel's work allows readers to see the world through her eyes, sharing her own experiences as she recounts stories of other women's births. It is a hopeful book; one that acknowledges the powerful strength of motherhood in all its many forms, such as being a single woman or being unable to have children for some reason.

If you are interested in natural hospital birth, then this audiobook is perfect for you. This audiobook will teach you all the things that you need to know about natural hospital birth, and it will also cover the emotional journey of going through a natural hospital birth. As the narrator says this audiobook is a "guide to what's ahead".

Published Date 2018-08-28
Duration 10 hours 5 minutes
Author Cynthia Gabriel
Narrated Norah Tocci
(6 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Medicine, Women's Health

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