Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover Free Audiobook Download by Marvel ,David Liss

The audiobook is narrated by Pete Cross, the same person who narrated Marvel's Spider-Man: Flight of the Wallcrawler. This is just a great book for anyone who needs to be inspired or maybe just feel more hopeful about the world.

Spider-Man has been turned into a villain by the Kingpin and there are only 12 hours left before Spider-Man's mind will be overwritten by the Kingpin!

Marvel has reignited the Spider-Man franchise with a comic book starring Miles Morales, the new, young Spider-Man. This audiobook version is narrated by Pete Cross and covers storylines from both Marvel's Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows and Marvel's Spider-Man: The Complete Ben Reilly - also written by David Liss .

In Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover, Marvel Comics has set up a complicated scenario with multiple story lines that will surely be interesting to follow. The book is written by David Liss and is narrated by Pete Cross who does a great job of adding humor and action to the narration. There are some major twists in this book that you won't be able to predict, so it will make for an exciting listen!

For years, Spider-Man has been the star of his own comic book series. Now that he is in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, with his own film based on the character, this volume serves as a primer for the rebooted take on Spider-Man's origin story.

Peter Parker, a.k.a. Spider-Man, is not the only one in New York who gets to be a hero! Enter Marvel's new comic book series, Marvel's Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover! Jonathan Ross, the head of research and development at the company of Marvel comics, has been busy since he took over as CEO from Tony Stark. He has created an entirely new line of spider suits that are a bit more advanced than what Peter Parker could create himself. When Sinister made his play for Peter's mind with one such suit, he traveled on Pete's brainwaves to find out what it was all about and discovered something incredible--Sinister had gotten hold of some of Tony Stark's old "arc reactor

Published Date 2021-06-22
Duration 9 hours 9 minutes
Author Marvel , David Liss
Narrated Pete Cross
(4 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category General, Action & Adventure

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