Los abismos (Premio Alfaguara de novela 2021) Free Audiobook Download by Pilar Quintana

Los abismos, de Pilar Quintana, is one of the most prestigious prizes in Spanish literature, awarded annually to the best novel by a woman. It has been given since 1973 and is open to authors worldwide. The award consists of a marble bust and the publication of the prize-winning book by Alfaguara as well as an official reception at Spain's Ministry of Culture.

El libro narra la vida de dos seres humanos: Diana, una muchacha estudiante de literatura que lee todos los días para evadirse del mundo real y se pierde en el mundo fantástico de nuevas lecturas y los personajes que conocerá; y Mansilla, un tipo duro sin escrúpulos. El amor entre ambos tardará en aparecer, pero cuando lo hará hará saltar las montañas.

Los abismos is a Spanish-language novel written by Pilar Quintana and published in 2018. It's the story of two friends, Rosa and Marcela, who go through a lot together but separate following different paths. One stays in Barcelona, one goes to Paris in search of her father. The book won the Alfaguara prize for best Spanish-language novel of the year.

Los abismos (Premio Alfaguara de novela 2021) is a contemporary novel written by Pilar Quintana. This novel is divided into three parts: "Un sonido", "El amor secreto, y la niebla" and "Ciudad de niebla". Los abismos (Premio Alfaguara de novela 2021) tells the story of a group of friends that are attracted to each other from different generations and from different countries.

This novel is a powerful, moving gut-wrenching story that tells the story of a woman during her first year in a new country. This is her journey to find happiness and love, but this path is not as easy to walk on as one would think.

¿Siempre has soñado con una vida aventurera y excitante? ¿De pensar que, aunque la vida no te haya dado todo lo que esperabas, hay otra forma de empujar tu imaginación hasta sus últimos límites? ¿De perseguir tus sueños sin importar los obstáculos y las limitaciones? ¡Abre los ojos! Toma el desafío.

Published Date 2021-04-22
Duration 5 hours 1 minutes
Author Pilar Quintana
Narrated Carolina Gómez
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Contemporary Women, Coming of Age, Literary Fiction

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