La ciudad y los perros Free Audiobook Download by Mario Vargas Llosa

La ciudad y los perros is a short novel about an event in the life of an unnamed narrator. It begins with the narrator returning to Lima after being away for many years and finding that his childhood home has been taken over by slums. He encounters various characters, including a police officer who has lost his power and a man who tries to sell him junk. La ciudad y los perros is a story about the city which tells of how it's not just physical but also moral decay.

Óscar Meza, Raul Alfonso Saco, and Sebastian Alvizuri read this novel in Spanish. This is a heavy novel which doesn't hold back on the violence that happens when Peru's capital city Lima changes hands between the government and its military forces. There are also captivating scenes of decadence and social commentary through conversations in bars and dinner parties with intellectuals.

La ciudad y los perros is a time capsule of an era, a novel about the generation that went to fight in Spain’s Civil War and its aftermath. This book was the last published work by Mario Vargas Llosa before his death in 2010. The audio version is narrated by six talented actors from different countries, including Argentina, Mexico and Spain.

La ciudad y los perros is a collection of several short stories about a city and its forgotten dogs. This audiobook has three narrators; Óscar Meza, Raúl Alfonso Saco, and Sebastián Alvizuri. They are all very talented narrators who do a great job with their voices and accents.

La ciudad y los perros by Mario Vargas Llosa is a novel that spans over twenty years and follows many different characters in the city of Lima. The narrative is told using different perspectives and techniques, including an epistolary form which focuses on the letters exchanged between a couple of friends. The book won the Cervantes Prize and was adapted into a movie.

La ciudad y los perros is a novel of surprising scope and ambition, chronicling the last days of the US-backed military dictatorship in Peru from 1973 to 1980. It's told in three parts by different narrators, who each offer their own perspective on life under the dictatorship and its aftermath. The novel's diverse cast includes a black maid, a Chinese diplomat, a lawyer, an Indian doctor, a Peruvian rebel fighter, a middle-aged urchin maidservant, and others.

Published Date 2019-11-14
Duration 13 hours 44 minutes
Author Mario Vargas Llosa
Narrated óscar Meza, Raúl Alfonso Saco, Sebastián Alvizuri
(13 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Coming of Age, General, Literary Fiction

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