How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward Free Audiobook Download by John C. Maxwell

Successful people consciously look for the obstacles in their life, turning every minor setback into a stepping stone that leads to success. John C. Maxwell offers a formula based on failure and self-reflection to help you understand and create your own path to success.

What if we discovered the secret to becoming successful people? What if we learned how to win and build a life of meaning, purpose, and goal achievement that was not only fulfilling but also made us happy? In How Successful People Win: Turn Every Setback into a Step Forward, John C. Maxwell offers insights from his bestselling book The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership.

This book is about how to win from a position of weakness, regardless of what life throws at you. I think this is applicable in the business world and other areas of life, because most people are faced with setbacks on a regular basis. The author explains that these setbacks should be seen as steps forward in our lives. This is imperative not only for overcoming adversity, but also for staying motivated to see the long-term goal through. The audiobook download allows anyone to listen while they're doing chores and working out, which makes it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.

Successful people use their setbacks to learn and grow. They know that "failure" is the best teacher because it gives you a chance to appreciate the successes you did have, which helps you get closer to your long-term goal. Successful people are constantly turning their setbacks into success.

John C. Maxwell is an American author and the founder of EQUIP, Inc. Maxwell has sold more than 35 million books in his career and his international best-selling books include "The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader", "John Maxwell's Success Team Leadership Group", and "Success Beyond Ordinary Reach" as well as many others. He is also the creator of "the John Maxwell Leadership Blog".

Everyone has a setback. It's part of life, but what can we do about it? As John C. Maxwell so beautifully explains in this audiobook, overcoming setbacks is just a matter of changing your perspective on them. This audiobook teaches you that only by turning every setback into a step forward can you find success.

Published Date 2015-05-12
Duration 3 hours 18 minutes
Author John C. Maxwell
Narrated Christian Steiner
(6 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Career Development

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