Holy Ghost Free Audiobook Download by John Sandford

The audiobook for the classic Sandford thriller, Holy Ghost has been released. The new release features Eric Conger as the narrator and a special guest appearance by 'John Sandford'; it's not clear if there was any voiceprint analysis involved in the casting process.

It's been a long time since I've read a book by John Sandford. Holy Ghost was the first audiobook I listened to narrated by Eric Conger, and it was even better than the book! His narration is easy to listen to and flows smoothly with the story. If you like crime novels, suspense, or just plain good thrillers, check out Holy Ghost by John Sandford.

Eric Conger narrates one of the most popular crime novels from John Sandford. He does an amazing job at capturing the characters thoughts and feelings, making the Holy Ghost a very interesting listen.

It's the start of a new year and John Sandford wants to make amends with his estranged son, but he has to persuade him to come home first. When JT starts listening to an audiobook in its entirety on the long drive from Minneapolis to rural Minnesota, he thinks it might just work.

This audiobook has been narrated by a narrator who is unknown to me. The narrator does an excellent job with his work, giving the story life and bringing this novel to vibrant life. I am happy that I was able to listen to this audiobook while on my flight back from Ethiopia.

Holy Ghost is a crime thriller novel written by John Sandford and was published in 1996. It was made into an audiobook which was narrated by Eric Conger. This audio book edition of Holy Ghost is 14 hours long and has been downloaded over twelve million times on Amazon. Many people enjoy this audio book due to its impressive narration that keeps the listener focused and entertained throughout each chapter

Published Date 2018-10-09
Duration 9 hours 55 minutes
Author John Sandford
Narrated Eric Conger
(115 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Mystery, Thriller & Horror
Parent Category Suspense

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