Heaven's Keep Free Audiobook Download by William Kent Krueger

Heaven's Keep is the first in a series of novels about a fictional New York City crime family. The story follows one day in the life of Joey Cusack, an Irish Catholic boy from the Bronx who is born into the line of crime. It is narrated by David Chandler, and has been praised for its realistic characters and authentic dialogue

After the death of his mother, 16-year-old Jack enters a world where heaven and hell are real. He meets up with an old man with knowledge about Jack's mom and learns more about what is happening in the world as he goes on a journey to find her.

The Heaven's Keep is a beautiful 19th-century mansion in the Flint Hills of Kansas. But the history it holds, with its ghosts and unknown traumas, is anything but peaceful. It was once owned by William Kent Krueger, who worked for years on three books about the Flint Hills--but died before he had finished them. He left them to his son, Bill--only to die of a heart attack before he could share them with him. William Jr., now 87 years old, has just arrived at the Heaven's Keep to sort out what happened to his father and why these books were never completed. But this proves only to be the beginning of an absolutely chilling story that leads back into the family's dark past

Heaven's Keep is a story of the moral cost of love as told through the redemption of a small town, its blue-collar men, and one woman.

Heaven's Keep is a novel that tells the story of two brothers, one a college student, who must take their family out of the city and back to their hometown. They face many challenges along the way, such as dealing with their mother's mental illness and finding out about her life before she was married.

Published Date 2019-11-05
Duration 11 hours 45 minutes
Author William Kent Krueger
Narrated David Chandler
(22 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Mystery, Thriller & Horror
Parent Category Detective Stories, Suspense

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