From Paycheck to Purpose Free Audiobook Download by Ken Coleman

Ken Coleman's audiobook is a masterful work of history and personal memoir. The audiobook is based on Ken Coleman's life and the process of finding his purpose as a writer. In "From Paycheck to Purpose", Ken provides insight to the importance of survival and self-care in times of crisis, as well as how to find meaning in life in an increasingly uncertain world.

The book, From Paycheck to Purpose, is a must-read for those who are struggling with the feeling of being stuck in the monotony of their current lifestyles. Coleman offers hope and encouragement through his story of how he was able to shake his old life and find happiness through self-discovery and income generation.

What does a book about the impact of purpose have on your life? If you answered, "A lot!" then this is the book for you. From Paycheck to Purpose is a compilation of stories from people who came from all walks of life and found meaning in their work. The story begins with Ken Coleman himself as he was working to pay his bills as a manager for an international consulting firm. He talks about how he began to see that his job had no intrinsic meaning and that it wasn't going to provide meaning in his life. After noticing this disconnection with his career, he decided to start looking for other ways to find value. This led him ultimately to finding purpose through pursuing service-based work and helping others.

This is a story about how one man changed his life from paycheck to purpose. It’s a story about taking the time to pause, stop and reflect on the meaning of your work. It is a story of finding your own unique path in life.

Ken Coleman is a life coach and co-owner of The Ken Coleman Company. His most recent book, From Paycheck to Purpose: A Guide for Millennials on Creating a Life You Love, is the story of how he started his company in his early twenties and how he went from making just enough money to live paycheck-to-paycheck to now helping people make more than $10 million annually.

To paraphrase the language of @KCohenColeman, your paycheck is just a daily reminder that you are working for somebody else. The question to ask yourself is not 'what do my bosses want me to do?' but 'what am I good at?' This audiobook details the steps Ken took through life to discover his purpose and how he became a millionaire, all without ever leaving his home town in Arkansas.

Published Date 2021-11-09
Duration 6 hours 4 minutes
Author Ken Coleman
Narrated Ken Coleman
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Career Development

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