Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead: A Novel Free Audiobook Download by Emily Austin

This is the story of the Blanchard family, a young family struggling to keep their farm in the days after World War II. The Blanchards are faced with many challenges, including mental illness and financial debts. However, they also have to contend with death - as every member of this family will eventually die. But is it so bad that they only live for 100 years?

Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead is a novel of longing and heartbreak, where the love story between a young woman and her husband is intertwined with the shifting perspectives of friends and family members as they come to terms with an uncertain future.

The day of the Great War is here, and people are turning their backs on the world and their loved ones. The narrator tells her story about how she met the man who would change her life and in exchange for a shot at a future with him, she has to give up everything. Soon after he leaves, she realizes that he wasn't real, but was an engineered being. After spending time with a group of people who have been genetically modified to live forever, she decides that her life isn't worth living if everyone around her can die at any moment.

This book is about a woman who learns that she has been diagnosed with a terminal disease and becomes determined to live life to the fullest. The narrator's journey of self-discovery is told through writing, journal entries, and interviews with family members. The novel follows her as she attempts to find meaning in her death and the lives of those close to her at the same time.

The concept of the novel is a bit hard to define. It's most like an anthology of short stories that explore the different idea of what it would be like if we all died tomorrow. There are many different settings and a wide variety of characters, but they all share a common theme: death is inevitable and everyone will die.

Published Date 2021-07-06
Duration 7 hours 46 minutes
Author Emily Austin
Narrated Emily Tremaine
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Contemporary Women, Black Literature, Literary Fiction

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