Energy Anatomy Free Audiobook Download by Centre of Excellence

Jane Branch's voice is wonderful. Her voice is soothing, comforting, and calming-a perfect match for the book in general. The narrator's voice also provides a touch of humor that keeps you engaged. If you are looking for an audiobook to help relax and calm your mind, this is the one for you.

The narrator of the audiobook, Jane Branch, states that we're all born with a limited amount of energy and that it takes a lot of effort to accumulate more. The advantage of being born with a finite amount of energy is that we can use our energy in different ways. Some people want to focus and conserve their energy while others want to be social, active, and enjoy life. But no matter how much we have or what kind of energy we want, the narrator says that we are all going to die one day. She also says that the most important thing is how you use your time on this earth because you will either regret wasting it or regret not using it.

Energy Anatomy is the first of a series of audiobooks by the Centre of Excellence that takes listeners through the process of understanding how energy flows through their body and provides them with insights on how to keep their energy flowing efficiently.

The audiobook is narrated by Jane Branch. The narrator's voice is both soothing and relaxing. The narrator has a throaty, husky voice that really brings the story to life.

This audiobook is a narrated by Jane Branch, who teaches us about the science of energy. It is written in such a way that even beginners of science can understand the information. It draws upon scientific data and explains why energy moves. Energy is everywhere and it's very important to understand how it works because we are all made up of it.

Published Date 2017-02-02
Duration 3 hours 18 minutes
Author Centre of Excellence
Narrated Jane Branch
(13 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Medicine

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