Easy Prey Free Audiobook Download by John Sandford

When his twelve-year-old daughter goes missing from a summer camp in rural Minnesota, Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension special agent Lucas Davenport is prepared with a high-tech surveillance team to catch the perpetrator. He's the FBI's only homicide investigator, he's ex-military, and he's been hunting predators on the streets of Minnesota for years. But soon he finds himself up against an even more dangerous prey: the wilderness itself.

Easy Prey is the 15th book of John Sandford's Prey series and follows FBI agent Lucas Davenport. In this audiobook, he meets a woman who has developed an app that can locate people who have been missing for weeks/months and change their location. He pays her for this service, but she then kidnaps him when she discovers it was pre-paid.

Easy Prey is a thriller by John Sandford set in Minnesota during the winter. It tells the story of George 'Prey' Brinkman, a P.I. who tries to find out what happened to his wife whose car was found abandoned in a remote area with her purse still sitting on the front seat. The characters are very well developed and the plot is very well woven together. Easy Prey has plenty of action and suspense to keep you glued to your seat or listening late into the night

Easy Prey is a detective story with a hint of horror, in which the protagonist, Virgil Flowers, must go to extremes to find the killer responsible for his friend's murder. Ferrone's narration captures the panic and desperation that make this story so gripping.

Easy Prey is a new thriller by John Sandford that features his popular series protagonist Lucas Davenport. Easy Prey is about a serial killer who targets high-risk seniors, and it's an exciting read. It's an easy audiobook download to read during your commute!

[John] is a no-nonsense detective with the St. Paul, Minnesota Police Department who discovers a connection between a case that he's been working on and another that has been sitting in the back of his mind for weeks. There are similarities between the two cases that make him believe they may be related to the same perpetrator.

Published Date 2012-10-25
Duration 12 hours 37 minutes
Author John Sandford
Narrated Richard Ferrone
(39 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Mystery, Thriller & Horror
Parent Category Suspense

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