Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself Free Audiobook Download by Mike Michalowicz

This audiobook is a must-listen for anyone who wants to learn how to incorporate the principles of business automation into their current or future business. The author approaches the subject of automation in a way that will appeal to any and all non-technical folks. His style of writing is accessible and easy to understand, which makes this the perfect book for entrepreneurs on the go.

Business Owner "Design your business to run itself" is a revolutionary concept. If you want to make money, build a business that doesn't need you. That's what Mike Michalowicz has done with his latest book: Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself.

Millions of dollars and thousands of hours get spent on non-essential tasks that distract management and erode their time and attention. High performing companies have established a system to circumvent these time-suckers by hiring people to work in the background. The company Clockwork Industries does this through an automated system which is designed to auto-organize its workforce.

There are many business owners who have lost their businesses to a lack of focus on key aspects. That is why Mike Michalowicz wrote this book, Clockwork: Design Your Business to Run Itself, as well as the audiobook, which is narrated by him himself. He has created a system for businesses that can be applied in any industry or niche.

This book is a must-read for small business owners who want to make their businesses self-sufficient. Clockwork covers the basics of how you can design your business so that it runs by itself. This includes optimizing your website, managing people, and measuring results. Mike Michalowicz has written a lot of great books on entrepreneurship, but this one is his most practical for any small business owner who wants their business running on its own.

It's a business book that teaches you how to start and grow your own business with the help of the rules of the clock. Mike Michalowicz uses unique illustrations to bring his points across in an easy way.

Published Date 2018-08-21
Duration 7 hours 31 minutes
Author Mike Michalowicz
Narrated Mike Michalowicz
(11 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Business Development, Career Development

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