Can God Bless America? Free Audiobook Download by John F. Macarthur

Can God bless America? This question is one that has been asked throughout our history. Uncle John Macarthur narrates his answer in this audiobook.

America has a history of making some people feel like their prayers are not answered. This is especially true when things go wrong. The author of this story, John F. MacArthur, believes that God can bless America, and will do so in the future if we will stop focusing on ourselves and believe in things that He can do for us.

Durante los años 70 y principios de los 80, Maurice England se encontraba en un pequeño país llamado Costa Rica. El lugar estaba rodeado por todos lados por los casquetes de paz que habían sido sellados por Estados Unidos después de la guerra contra el Viet Nam y era aún más patético para bienvenida que el verano solitario del mundo tropical.

The book explores the question if God can bless America, and in the end, Macarthur says that God's blessing is to be found in the individual. The country is designed to serve individuals who are strong enough to find their own way by themselves.

This book is about how America has gone to hell, and how one man wants to bring it back to the glory days. It has many examples of what happened in America and the damage that was caused.

What would happen if God got a little bit bored and decided to bless America as a test? John F. Macarthur wrote a philosophical novel, "Can God Bless America?" which is an interesting read. The questions of whether or not God exists or whether people really believe in Him are answered throughout the book using metaphors.

Published Date 2021-06-08
Duration 2 hours 1 minutes
Author John F. Macarthur
Narrated Maurice England
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Religious Studies

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