Building Wealth One House at a Time: Making it Big on Little Deals Free Audiobook Download by John Schaub

Building Wealth One House at a Time reveals the secrets of how real estate investing can be profitable and easy to implement. It covers everything from finding your first deal to managing the process to getting out of the business when you need or want to retire, as well as tax considerations and legal advice.

Building Wealth One House at a Time follows John Schaub, the world's expert in the little deals. From buying foreclosed houses to flipping them for insane profits, careful research is essential and Schaub will teach you how to make your big money in real estate easier than ever before.

This audiobook is John Schaub's inspirational tale about how he overcame the odds and built a successful real estate company. It is an enthralling story that will make you believe anything is possible with hard work and determination. It has been narrated by William Dufris who does an amazing job of bringing Schaub's story to life in an entertaining way.

In his audiobook, business consultant, John Schaub shares his story on how he took a crazy idea and turned it into a seven-figure business. He shows what works and what doesn't. He breaks down the tactics needed to make big sales on small deals.

John Schaub shares his secrets to building wealth one house at a time. He gives some great tips on how to research and approach real estate deals as well as how to market your services/products.

I am proud to say that I have built and sold over 25 properties in the last five years. I have also purchased a few gazillion dollars worth of income producing assets and invested almost a million dollars in real estate. Many people have asked me since I began my journey into real estate investing how I did it all. Well, this audiobook is what helped get me started and was instrumental in my success.

Published Date 2004-12-31
Duration 4 hours 56 minutes
Author John Schaub
Narrated William Dufris
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Real Estate

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