Black Holes: Going to Extremes Free Audiobook Download by Scientific American

Black Holes is the first in a trilogy of books by Professor Stephen Hawking that tells the story of a single black hole from its birth to its eventual demise. The narrator, Professor Stephen Hawking, narrates this futuristic story with academic discussions and doesn't disappoint.

Black Holes share three main traits: they're observable, have a defined center, and have a particular gravitational pull.

Black Holes: Going to Extremes audiobook download Black Holes download The Large Magellanic Cloud Black holes are mysterious spherical objects that have gravitational pull so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape their clutches. They're also known for swallowing up stars and asteroids. Learn about these astounding marvels of the universe by downloading this month's audiobook from Scientific American

Are black holes really dangerous? This audiobook tells the story of how scientists have been able to learn more about black holes and what they can teach us. Black holes are hungry monsters that nothing can escape from, until now. This audiobook goes through the history of black holes and how there are visible clues to their existence. For example, if we look at light coming towards us from a distant star, it might be bent in such a way that it looks as if a giant invisible object is in front of it. There's also evidence that black holes exist around other stars. The audiobook also discusses gravitational waves and how they allow us to know more about the universe around us.

Black Holes: Going to Extremes by Scientific American has been narrated by Alex Boyles. It is a captivating journey into the outer limit of the universe with a scientific approach that would interest any one who enjoys science. In this audiobook you will learn about black holes, why they are sources of gravitational waves, how scientists use these waves for astronomy, and much more!

Ciencia Hoy is a podcast that discusses fascinating facets of science and the world around us. The show's hosts, Rachel and [Alex Boyles], discuss such topics as neuroscience, robotics, and human evolution. They also delve into the history of scientific discoveries and why they matter.

Published Date 2021-10-05
Duration 5 hours 36 minutes
Author Scientific American
Narrated Alex Boyles
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Science & Technology
Parent Category Astronomy & Physics

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