Basic Economics, Fifth Edition: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy Free Audiobook Download by Thomas Sowell

Basic Economics is a quick and easy read for those interested in economics. By using a common sense approach, Sowell presents the basics of economics to the laymen reader. What makes this edition different from its prior editions is the addition of a new chapter titled 'The Free Market System'. This new chapter talks about how capitalism produces economic growth, and how the profit motive motivates people to work hard and make sacrifices to better themselves.

Basic Economics, Fifth Edition: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy is a common sense guide to the economic system. It has been updated for 2018 with a focus on globalization and new technological innovations. This audiobook can be downloaded from audiblecom

Basic Economics, Fifth Edition: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy is a book that teaches students about the economy. It explains how the economy works and how it affects people's lives. The author, Thomas Sowell, is a professor at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Basic Economics: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy is a book by Thomas Sowell, published in 1978. The book's goal is to explore the six most important economic principles in a way that is easy to understand and apply with little effort and without advanced economics knowledge. It was praised as one of the best books on economics ever written. In 2010, it was republished as A Common Sense Guide to the Economy by Tom Weiner, who read it aloud for an audiobook.

Basic Economics asks the question, "What is a successful economy?" Thomas Sowell answers this question with a simple but profound question of his own: "What justifies an economic order in which some people live well and others barely survive?" It then goes on to offer the most up-to-date, accurate and easy to understand guide to today's economics - now updated for its fifth edition.

Basic Economics, Fifth Edition: A Common Sense Guide to the Economy is a comprehensive work that offers a number of perspectives on how the economy works. It covers topics such as inflation, unemployment, government spending, the business cycle, and more. It was written by Thomas Sowell in 1998 and is often recommended for students who are studying economics.

Published Date 2014-12-02
Duration 23 hours 51 minutes
Author Thomas Sowell
Narrated Tom Weiner
(30 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Business & Economics
Parent Category Economics

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