A Princess of Wind and Wave: A Retelling of The Little Mermaid Free Audiobook Download by Melanie Cellier

This audiobook tells the story of a young mermaid, best known for its Retelling of The Little Mermaid by Melanie Cellier. This is a story about a mermaid who falls in love with a human man named Darian. However, Darian is not the prince that the mermaid believed him to be; he is just an ordinary man and the mermaid must decide if she wants to be with him or wait for her true prince.

The Little Mermaid is a classic fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. It's been told time and time again but with many different interpretations. This retelling tells the story of Princess Aria, who longs to sail in the vast ocean of her homeland and explore new horizons. One day, she meets Prince Vane, a handsome prince who is as fearsome as he is gentle, who promises Aria more than she could ever imagine if only she'd allow him to sail with her on board his ship for one voyage.

The world of the Little Mermaid is one full of magic, mermaids who can grant wishes and a siren who owns a music box that releases a song like no other. This beautifully written book tells the story from the point of view of a mermaid named Prilla. The story begins when she sings an enchanted song at sea and captures the heart of a prince. With his help, she convinces him to turn all the humans in his kingdom into sea creatures so they can live together happily ever after. Though this is merely the tip of the iceberg for this lovely little caper, it will be a book readers will not soon forget!

Who knew that the Little Mermaid had a sister? Or that she was descended from the Great Heroine of Atlantis? In A Princess of Wind and Wave, Melanie Cellier has re-imagined Hans Christian Anderson's famous fairy tale in a way that will make you think twice about who the heroine really is.

A Princess of Wind and Wave: A Retelling of The Little Mermaid by Melanie Cellier is the beautifully written story of a mermaid who longs for love, to be a human being, to be loved as she loves.

"It is said that a man who has loved a woman for seven years can find the most beautiful flower in the world by simply looking at her," we're told. The unnamed narrator, who is disguised as a seabird, then describes how she met the prince of her dreams, who was also named the prince of wind and waves. Just as they are about to kiss, however, his heart breaks into three pieces and he dies.

Published Date 2020-05-26
Duration 10 hours 40 minutes
Author Melanie Cellier
Narrated Esther Wane
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Teen
Parent Category General

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