A Mystic's Work: Julian of Norwich Free Audiobook Download by Christina M. Carlson

"Julian of Norwich" is a short, short book by Christina M. Carlson that is a profound examination of how the human psyche works and how we process thoughts. It's the kind of book that makes you feel like you were dropped into something centuries old and it's difficult to not fall in love with it. "A Mystic's Work: Julian of Norwich" reads like an audiobook but doesn't sound like one at all - it sounds more like someone speaking your own thoughts than anything else.

Julian of Norwich is a woman who was born in England around 1343, during the height of the Black Death. She became known as one of the great mystics of medieval England and one of the first people to write about Christ's descent from Heaven into our world. Her story has been held up by many Christians as proof that God exists since she had an amazing experience with Him after she went into deep prayer for weeks on end. The audio book download is narrated by 'Christina M. Carlson'.

The audiobook is narrated by a woman who reads the words of Julian of Norwich. She does an excellent job at conveying and convincing the reader to think through the ideas in this text.

Christina M. Carlson does an amazing job of making Julian of Norwich’s writing accessible for modern readers.

Julian of Norwich's revelations are not just for the saints but for all Christians. The pilgrim quotes Julian of Norwich in this work, "I felt most certain of all that I was Christ's servant, and to follow the Lord's commandments was the best way to help others. For everyone could see how much joy I found in my service."

Published Date 2017-02-06
Duration 3 hours 24 minutes
Author Christina M. Carlson
Narrated Christina M. Carlson
(1 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Christianity

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