A Habit Called Faith: 40 Days in the Bible to Find and Follow Jesus Free Audiobook Download by Jen Pollock Michel

For 40 days, Jen Pollock Michel will guide you through a Bible study that will help you find and follow Jesus. One day at a time, you'll discover how God's Word fits into your life in surprising ways.

Jen Pollock Michel asks the question, "What is a habit?" and writes about how habits create the space for the self to grow. In this audiobook, Michel takes you on forty days in the Bible to find and follow Jesus but also showcases other scriptures that can be used as habits.

This audiobook is a 40-day journey through the Bible. Jen Pollock Michel uses a question-and-answer format to accompany each verse in the Bible. This allows the listener not just to read the Bible and gain an understanding, but also learn from this book on how to follow Jesus. The theme of this audiobook is finding and following Jesus in daily life.

A Habit Called Faith: 40 Days in the Bible to Find and Follow Jesus is a personal journey for readers who desire to know more about their faith. Jen Pollock Michel helps readers understand that following Jesus does not just happen; it takes work, discipline, and sacrifice.

A Habit Called Faith engages listeners in a practical, illustrated, and very thoughtful way. They'll explore the world around them through the eyes of faith: what it means to be human and how that shapes our experiences; how we're created and called to live in relationship with God--and one another.

Faith is the most important habit a person can have. It's something we often take for granted. This book shares 40 days of stories and questions to help readers discover what it means to have faith in Jesus.

Published Date 2021-03-16
Duration 7 hours 10 minutes
Author Jen Pollock Michel
Narrated Jen Pollock Michel
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Prayer, Christianity

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