A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing Free Audiobook Download by Laura Barringer,Scot Mcknight

To help create a goodness culture that resists abuses of power and promotes healing, the authors come up with specific ways for leaders to create a space for hope in their congregations. Some ideas are:

Tov is a Hebrew word that means "goodness". The author of A Church Called Tov, Laura McKnight, offers the reader a comprehensive guide to understanding what it means to live in a goodness culture. She discusses the concept of "Power" and how to avoid abusing it and how people can be brought into healing by forming this goodness culture.

A Church Called Tov is a book about how the church can offer a healing presence for those who have been abused and mistreated by powerful institutions in society. The author, Laura Barringer Scot Mcknight was the co-founder of one such church called "Justice Center" that offers sanctuary to victims of abuse. This book discusses her experiences with forms of abuse that are often overlooked, sexual assault and domestic violence, among others.

A Church Called Tov is a novel about the culture of a church transforming after the death of its pastor. To be able to do this, they need to create a new culture that is filled with humility and respect. The leader of the church must not only be honest with herself, but also with others in order for things to change. She has to make sure that everyone is treated fairly so there isn't any competition or judgmentalism within the church.

Each of the main characters in A Church Called Tov is different from others because they have been affected by power. As a result, they had to learn how to resist abuses of power and embrace healing. After reading about each one's struggles, it became clear that understanding power is vital for those who want to create a good culture that resists abuse.

Laura, who is a child abuse survivor and advocate, helps to teach about power and abuse through the lens of Jewish scripture in "A Church Called Tov: Forming a Goodness Culture That Resists Abuses of Power and Promotes Healing." As Laura says, "All too often we seem to place our trust in structures that might be colluding with abusers." This book tells the stories of some people who have survived abuses and what they have done to find justice.

Published Date 2020-10-06
Duration 7 hours 16 minutes
Author Laura Barringer, Scot Mcknight
Narrated Michael Beck
(4 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Religion & Spirituality
Parent Category Christianity

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