20th Century Ghosts Free Audiobook Download by Joe Hill

The audiobook for '20th Century Ghosts' by Joe Hill narrates by David LeDoux. The audiobook is a must-have for any fan of the author's work or horror books in general.

20th Century Ghosts is an American horror novel by Joe Hill that tells the story of a paranormal investigator who travels to Maine in search of his wife's sister and niece, who have gone missing. It is told from the perspective of Charlie McGee, a former ghost-hunting skeptic who now works for the family business as a paranormal investigator.

En 20th Century Ghosts, Joe Hill nos cuenta la historia de una joven que es atacada por un autoritario policía en su hogar y se encuentra con el fantasma de un hombre desconocido. Se siente atrapada en una inmensa oscuridad y cuando ella detecta tierra roja a su alrededor se da cuenta que la escena no es ficticia, pero aún así está rodeada de seres incorpóreos.

20th Century Ghosts was a novel by Joe Hill. It is a supernatural horror story and follows the lives of several people from different parts of New England who are haunted by manifestations of some of the ghosts from the stories that they read as children. This audiobook is narrated by David LeDoux and it offers a great listen.

20th Century Ghosts is a novel by Joe Hill that was published in 2009. It is a horror book and is the first of three books that Hill has written. The audiobook of the novel was released in 2011, reading by David LeDoux who also narrated the audiobook for Stephen King's Cell.

Published Date 2007-10-16
Duration 12 hours 12 minutes
Author Joe Hill
Narrated David LeDoux
(5 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Fiction & Literature
Parent Category Short Stories, Paranormal

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