The Wife Trap Free Audiobook Download by Tracy Anne Warren

This audiobook is a fast-paced and action-packed murder mystery. The reader Bianca Amato has a soft, melodious voice that is easy to listen to, so you can easily get lost in the storyline.

The Wife Trap is a novel about Shannon, an Idaho housewife who is tired of her life. She decides to end it by jumping off a bridge but meets three people that change her outlook on life as she falls into their world.

The Wife Trap is a captivating tale of how wrong things can go, how the decisions we make and thoughts we harbor can come back to haunt us. It's also an examination of the compromises women make in their relationships, and what happens when those limits are pushed.

This is a wonderful book. The Wife Trap is the story of Lila, a woman who married for love rather than for money, but soon after the wedding, she finds herself drowning in her husband's business dealings and not even being able to figure out who he really is or what makes him tick. Tracy Anne Warren has done an excellent job of crafting characters that are hard to forget and her writing is witty and entertaining throughout.

Tracy Anne Warren's The Wife Trap is a dark, twisted tale where secrets come to life and have the power to bring down not only the husband who loves them but his entire world. This book will keep you on the edge of your seat and enthralled from beginning to end.

Published Date 2011-02-11
Duration 12 hours 35 minutes
Author Tracy Anne Warren
Narrated Bianca Amato
(26 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Historical Romance, General

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