The Spring Duchess Free Audiobook Download by Jillian Eaton

The Spring Duchess is a retelling of the classic fairy tale of Snow White. The dark, rebellious daughter of a duke and duchess are living in seclusion in their grand palace when the evil queen comes for her king's daughter. The Duchess convinces her estranged husband to help save their daughter from this fate, but the closer they get to saving her, the more they realize they must save themselves.

The Spring Duchess is a historical romance set in 1842 and begins with the wife of another duke, Lady Katherine Delacourt, coming to find out that her husband was killed while trying to win a match. She's later introduced to the Spring Duchess, who is also on the run from some bad guys looking for her.

This audiobook is about a woman who is asked to be the housekeeper for an old duchess and her family. The Duchess English is very outdated which makes it hard at first for the woman to understand what she is saying. You feel like you are right there with the woman learning new things that you never would have known if you just read this book.

Mary Sarah is a Duchess in waiting, but she's not exactly the picture of perfection. She doesn't care what people think of her, which is convenient because she has a secret that would have ruined her life if anyone found out. Instead, she spends time in gardens and libraries, reading like mad and taking long walks. She goes to meet her friend Charlotte one day when a man named Humphrey makes a startling announcement: he wants to marry Mary Sarah.

Mary Sarah is the narrator of this audiobook and does a wonderful job of shaping the story with her voice. The narrator has an accent, so when she's talking to people who are speaking English, it makes it feel like you're listening to a different person.

If you are looking for a new audiobook to listen to, I have one that is perfect. The Spring Duchess by Jillian Eaton is an amazing story about the romance between two people who meet during the English Civil War. By the time they reunite, they are both in their seventies and have married other people but still find love. This book has everything in it: romance, adventure, action, and even a little bit of mystery!

Published Date 2018-07-31
Duration 3 hours 2 minutes
Author Jillian Eaton
Narrated Mary Sarah
(16 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Historical Romance

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