The Shaadi Set-Up Free Audiobook Download by Lillie Vale

The Shaadi Set-Up is a novel by Lillie Vale. The book was released in September 12 2017 and has been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than six months. The book provides an insight into the lives of a couple involved in arranged marriage. It is set in rural India, where Lillie is from and includes many cultural references related to that country.

Rukhmani and Kalyani Shaadi's quest for a perfect marriage is at once hilarious, emotional and romantic. They marry with all the pomp and circumstance, but within a month their dream is shattered and they're left without any answers or solutions. But what if their struggle was in fact their answer to true happiness?

Rukhmani K. Desai's narration is hilarious and the audiobook comes with a free ebook download of The Shaadi Set-Up. The book is about an Indian woman who has a complicated love life and how she uses her limited social status to help other women find love.

Marriage is a big decision that comes with its share of responsibilities, but it can also be a liberating and blissful thing. For Indian-American author Lillie Vale, her tale of the Shaadi Set-Up has been an empowering story for those who are looking to make their marriages better.

"The Shaadi Set-Up" by Lillie Vale is a short story. It's about the central character, Sadia, who lives in America, but was married to a Muslim and has been living in an arranged marriage for many years. She has a very traditional upbringing and cannot imagine being single or dating. Sadia is divorced and her daughter is grown with her own life.

Rukhmani K. Desai beautifully narrated the book by Lillie Vale. You are given a story of two different lives and their paths to one another. The story is set in London and you fall in love with the characters and their stories so easily by the time you reach the end of the book.

Published Date 2021-09-07
Duration 11 hours 34 minutes
Author Lillie Vale
Narrated Rukhmani K. Desai
(0 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary, Multicultural & Interracial, Rom-Com

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