The Road Home Free Audiobook Download by Richard Paul Evans

When I was little, my mom would take me driving as a way to bond. We would always drive around the neighborhood in her car and listen to an audiobook in the car. One particular memory that comes to mind is listening to The Road Home by Richard Paul Evans on one of these drives home from school as we traveled down our street. I had been struggling with school work at the time and needed something more exciting than a book from my library shelf. A really interesting thing happened while I was listening In this story about love, loss, spiritual growth and personal transformation that it gave me hope for the future.

In The Road Home, Richard Paul Evans tells the story of a single father and his daughter who must flee New York City as the rest of their family. They end up moving to small town Michigan. Although it is frequently mentioned that the father's wife had died, the reader never learns what caused her death. In an attempt to escape a bad case of homesickness, the narrator's daughter wants to bring her mother back from heaven by painting a picture for her in a church basement on Christmas Eve. This leads to a heartbreaking story about how life can be taken away from you at any moment.

The Road Home is a heart-wrenching novel about an ordinary man's journey of self-discovery and finding the love of his life. While making his way through the world to find happiness, he struggles to overcome his past. Evans' narration brings this story to life, with rich emotion and a gripping performance.

Richard Paul Evans is a best-selling author of many books. One of his most popular books is, "The Road Home." It tells the story of a man who travels on a journey to find out why there is so much pain in his life. After finding out that his wife committed suicide, he went on a journey to find her by following the footsteps she left behind.

Richard Paul Evans's newest novel "The Road Home" is a heart-wrenching tale of love and loss. The story unfolds in small town America, with a family living the American dream until tragedy strikes. The story follows the character, Ben who is married to Karen, has two children, and owns a successful business. Karen leaves him after she starts an affair with Luke, and ends up pregnant by him. Ben moves on with his life and begins dating Molly Anderson. He realizes that he still loves Karen deeply and struggles for her to come back home as she lies in a coma.

Richard Paul Evans is the author of many books including "The Road Home". I never would have guessed that he was an author by looking at him, but once you listen to his audiobook you will find out that he has a very unique voice. His voice sounds very calming and soothing which can help make it a relaxing experience.

Published Date 2019-05-07
Duration 5 hours 52 minutes
Author Richard Paul Evans
Narrated Richard Paul Evans
(12 Reviews)
Abridged No
Is It Free? 30-days Free
Category Romance
Parent Category Contemporary, Religious & Inspirational

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